Depression Tips Friday

Tip: Start small and stay focused.

Doing too many things at once can feel overwhelming and overall hamper your progress. This is especially relevant to recovery. If you try and take on too much when recovering from depression, it can be end up having the opposite effect. Where as if you start small, take baby steps at first and make some progress. Not only will you recover a little, but also build some confidence.

After those baby steps, you can start gaining traction in your recovery as your confidence builds. Sooner or later, you may find that you are at a favorable point you never thought you would be at.

Keep your chin up, be positive :).

~ Mohit


Note: A little PSA, if anyone reading this is by chance interested in spreading the word about my free motivational app to help those with depression, anxiety or simply a lack of motivation. Please email me at: I’ll email you either a link or an attachment for a press kit (contains detailed information for the app).

The more people know of the app’s existence the better for it’s exposure, and helping others.

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